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Modern Greek Language Teaching Center - Panagiotis Kontos


•What are the examinations for the Certificate of Modern Greek Language Knowledge?

The examinations for Greek Language Knowledge certify the level of Greek knowledge. They take place twice a year, in May and September. The exams consist of two parts. The first part is the oral examination. The second part is the written examination. The examinations take place over two non-consecutive days. Both sections have to be passed individually in order to be granted a pass mark for the examinations (5 or more/10).  


•What level are the examinations?

At the Modern Greek Language Teaching Center, the only certification examinations provided are for the level B2.


•What can the level B2 Certificate of Modern Greek Language Knowledge be used for?

The level B2 Certificate of Modern Greek Language Knowledge is required for anyone who wishes to continue their studies in Greece. It is required for entrance in Greek public universities and private and public further education schools. Furthermore, it is required in order to be able to practice in any medical profession in Greece. The Certificate may also be used for employment purposes or for applications for positions in the Greek Civil Service (provided that the level required is sufficient). 


•Can only students of the Modern Greek Language Teaching Center take part in the examinations?

Whilst enrolled students of the Modern Greek Language Teaching Center may take part in the examinations, they are also open to the public. Anyone may register for the exams provided that they have completed High School overseas or in foreign schools in Greece. No graduates of Greek High Schools are eligible to participate. 


•What documents are required for taking part in the examinations?

1) If I am currently attending one of the Greek language courses

Students of the Modern Greek Language Teaching Center who wish to participate in the examinations must register during the specific registration dates. Registration is done through the electronic application form found on our website. Each student types in their student number (found on the student card) and attaches the receipt of payment (Bank account number: 802002001000227,  ΙΒΑΝ: GR0301408020802002001000227 and Swift/BIC: CRBAGRAA).

The fees are 70 Euros for those who are taking part for the first time in the May or September examinations. The fees are 50 Euros for those who took part in the May examination and wish to take part in the September examinations as well. 


2) If I am not attending any of the Greek language courses

1) Application form (found in the main webpage of the Modern Greek Language Teaching Centre).

2) Photocopy of High School Diploma or University Degree, verified for the authenticity of the title by a Greek Diplomatic authority abroad or by the Diplomatic authority of the foreigner’s country in Greece or stamped with the Apostille seal in accordance with the Hague Convention

3) Official translation of the High School Diploma or University Degree. Greek by a Greek Diplomatic authority abroad or by the Translation Services of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (10 Arionos str., tel.: +30210-3285756, +30210-3285757) or by a lawyer with verification by the Lawyers’ Bar. Scholarship holders or those who have been accepted for studies by Ministries, Institutions or Public Schools of Higher Education must present a copy of the appropriate certification only

4) Photocopy of passport. Moreover, for students who originate from countries which are not members of the European Union, a valid entry visa is required

5) The original bank receipt of payment of tuition fees at Alpha Bank (see banking details below)

6) One photo

Please take note, that without a valid entry VISA, your application cannot be approved, nor can any document be issued (certificate of enrollment or letter of acceptance).


•How do I pay the fees?

The fees must be deposited in the bank account of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens at any ALPHA Bank branch.  The fees may be deposited directly at the cashier of the bank (Bank account number: 802002001000227) or the fees may be transferred using the ΙΒΑΝ: GR0301408020802002001000227 and Swift/BIC: CRBAGRAA.